Our winner this week

The boba beans plant winner

Some readers are curious about the Boba Bean plant we mentioned last week. Check out LV Plantas; they are the experts on the Semi-Hydro houseplant!

Our lucky winner is Ticket #03479025. The winner receives a pot of Philodendron Birkins Semi-Hydro Houseplant! Congratulations.

For the upcoming weeks, we are giving away two duckie plushes (valued at $15) every week until the end of the year. Here is how to enter the drawing:

Email us at [email protected] or come to our Copy Kat Agency hub at 1717 S. Decatur Blvd F28 on Saturday and Sunday from 11 a.m. to 4 p.m. to get a raffle ticket. We will announce two lucky winners every Monday.

Have a nice week!